College/Education Jingles


Specialty Educational jingles to bring more students in your college or technical training center.

Sweetsong Productions has produced six jingles you can choose from to create a strong positive image for your higher institute of learning.


These Educational jingles are available at a minimal cost and can be used for a lifetime exclusively in you market.

Nothing matches the power and impact of a custom jingle to get your customers attention. Listen to the jinlge demos and select the one that will work for your marketing.


Click Here To Order


Sweetsong Productions

193 Meadville Rd.

Parkersburg, WV 26104

(304) 428-7773

(866) 793-3876


Sweetsong Productions has created five dynamic jingles that can be customized for you to give your school more recognition and more students. Click on each song to hear your next jingle.

  1. Prepare For Your Future
  2. Your Journey Begins Here
  3. Get Your Career In Gear
  4. The Right College
  5. It's Time
  6. Look To The Future